Are You an Empath?

absorbing energy

Do you feel other people's energy? Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and depleted? You are probably an empath, and you could be absorbing the energy of others; leaving you wondering, how do I stop taking on other people's energy? 

As empaths, we are highly sensitive to energy. We feel it but that doesn’t mean we need to absorb it. Being an empath is a beautiful gift. It comes with an extraordinary intuition and many powers, but also with certain challenges that open up a journey of discovery and transformation that leads us to awaken our power, heal our wounds, and become the empowered empaths that we are meant to be.

Energy absorption is frequently the challenge that opens the door to this journey of transformation. Our struggles are typically the ones who awaken us as empaths. It's usually when we have had enough that we start looking for explanations to our experience and solutions to our issues. This is how many of us discover we are empaths.

Throughout this journey, we will address how to stop taking on the energy of others; which is probably the most common question asked by empaths because this is one of our biggest struggles; however, this question serves as an opening door to a deeper exploration and inner work. For now, rest assured that being an empath doesn’t imply that you have to inevitably absorb other people’s energy. 

I wish I could give you a simple answer to this question, but the reality is that the answer is complex; it involves way more than protection tools and techniques, and it also opens up the need to explore other important questions like…

What does it really mean that we absorb energy? How do we absorb it? When do we absorb it? Where do we absorb it? And… Why do we absorb it in the first place? To answer all this, we need to understand what it really means to be an empath and how our energy system interacts with energy.

What does it mean to be an empath?

Empaths are highly sensitive, highly intuitive, highly perceptive Souls. We are energetically sensitive beings. Our Powerful Sensitivity enables us to perceive, read, and process energy like nobody’s business! 

Our Sensitivity Is Our Power

powerful sensitive empath

But for our sensitivity to be a power instead of a problem, we need to learn how to interact with energy in a way that we can feel it without absorbing it.

Feeling energy and emotions is natural for us. The problem is when we start taking on the energy, emotions, stress, struggles, pain, and experiences of other people into our body as if they were our own. That's when we start feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, and depleted.

Now, our training as empaths goes beyond learning how to deal with other people's energy; it also includes how to master our own energy. How to preserve it, how to process it, how to heal it, how to clear it, and how to stop giving our power away.

When our own energy is in our body there is no vacancy for other people's energy to come in. We must reclaim our power and stay in our power to prevent absorption and leakage of energy. This calls for energy clearing, energy healing, grounding, setting boundaries, healing our wounds, and connecting to our Soul and the Divine.

As you can see, it goes way beyond coping mechanisms and energy protection techniques. It requires an exploration of the workings of our energy system and our patterns, and that takes us into a deep dive into our chakras.

Our energy system and chakras

When we talk about empaths, we need to talk about energy. When we talk about energy, we need to talk about our energy system and that includes our powerful energy centers: Our chakras - and their close relationship with our empathic nature, both our struggles and powers.

Our chakras are the key to our empathic experience with energy because they hold our powers but also our wounds. They are crucial in understanding why we are taking on the energy of others and how to stop doing it.

chakras energy system

Our chakras are power centers that hold information that dictates the behavior of our energy. They hold our programming - the beliefs that subconsciously are driving our behaviors, including absorbing or leaking of energy. By clearing and healing our energy, we can shift our experience as empaths and go from disempowerment to empowerment.

When we clear and heal the energy in our chakras from the energy of others, limiting beliefs, old programming and conditioning, unprocessed emotions, wounds, energy blockages, unhealthy patterns, and anything that doesn't serve us or belong to us, we make space for our own energy, so there is no vacancy for other’s energy to come in.

When we tend to our chakras and heal our wounds, we can reclaim our power and connect with our intuition.

Our intuition is our biggest power as empaths

When we develop our intuition, we connect with our Soul and Divine Energy. We become whole. We go from being disempowered empaths to empowered empaths. We heal. We become the powerful energy beings that we truly are, so we can do what we really came here to do.

Being an empath involves way more than energy absorption; and therefore, thriving as an empath requires more than energy protection; and it definitely goes way beyond coping mechanisms and protective techniques. This is about true and deep healing. Reason why here, we will dig deeper.

The question of how to stop taking on the energy of others is only the beginning because answering this question will take you into an explorative and transformative journey that will awaken your power as an empath, heal your wounds, and empower you to become the powerful energy being that you truly are.

woman man empaths empowered

So, if you really want to learn how to stop taking on other people's energy and become an empowered empath...

My questions for you are:

Are you willing to dive deep… and dig deeper?

Are you willing to go beyond coping mechanisms and protective techniques?

Are you ready to truly understand your empathic nature, heal your wounds, reclaim your power, develop your intuition, become an empowered empath, and live the life you deserve?

Are you ready to embrace your Powerful Sensitivity?

If you said, Yes! I invite you to join me in this explorative process of inner and outer transformation and allow me to support you on your journey of awakening, healing, and empowerment as an empath! 

With Love & Light,


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