Why Do I Feel Different? 

beautiful flower different from others

Are you wondering, why do I feel different? Why do I feel like I don’t fit it? Is there something wrong with me? 

Well, are you a highly sensitive person and/or empath? Because if you are, you feel different because you are different and that’s a good thing! In fact, you are unique, reason why, you won’t always fit in the mold and that’s also a good thing because in your uniqueness is your power! 

Now, let me be very clear about something. Different does not mean wrong. Therefore, please know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you!

Being different is not always easy, as an HSP & Empath myself, I completely understand you. I have felt different all my life. I have never really quite fit in most environments or groups as I see most people do with almost no effort. I have always wondered, why do I feel different? Why am I so different?  

I never fit in as a child. The environment was too overwhelming, and the kids were too loud and rude. I didn't fit in as a teenager. I didn't seem to enjoy the things other teens did; my feelings were very deep, and my emotions were way too overwhelming and all over the place. I preferred to be on my own, and eventually, I ended up living the life of an adult way too soon. 

And as an adult, I have found myself struggling so much to fit in with what is considered a “normal life” according to society. I have always lived my life differently. 

As sensitive beings, we have a tendency to feel different from most people, and it makes complete sense because we actually are. As highly sensitive people we experience the world differently than at least 80% of the population, who don’t have the trait of high sensitivity.

beautiful butterfly different from others

Have you also wondered... Why do I feel different?

Have you ever felt different from everyone else? Have you ever found yourself asking, why do I feel different? Have you ever questioned whether there is something wrong with you? 

The problem is not being different or living differently; once we own and honor who we are, it is very fulfilling and empowering. The problem is when we believe that being different is bad; and therefore, we feel that there is something wrong with us.  

Being highly sensitive, highly aware, and highly in tune with everything around us makes us experience life differently from people who don't have that level of awareness and can't access the amount of detailed information we have access to. 

Our fine-tuned senses allow us to experience the world in high definition. Our capacity to feel deeply gives us access to the entire spectrum of emotions and helps us create deeper connections with people. Our amazing brain has the ability to deeply process information to a level that most people can’t, making us highly creative, highly insightful, and highly intelligent. 

Our innately keen intuition can give us extremely valuable guidance once we are able to connect to it and follow it. Our big loving heart has such a level of compassion and empathy that allows us to feel what others are feeling and truly understand what they're going through. 

When you think about it, all these things that make us different to most people are pretty cool! These are actually powers! And despite the challenges we face, we own a powerful sensitivity which is really an amazing gift. 

sensitive woman merged with tree

So, if our sensitivity is that great and powerful and being different it's actually an edge; then, why is it that it feels so hard being different? Why does it feel like life is harder for us sensitives?  

Feeling bad and wrong because of being sensitive and different has to do with the perception that we have about sensitivity. Most people perceive sensitivity as a problem because of an outdated belief that equates sensitivity with weakness and fragility. This old belief comes from a society that values toughness, competition, and achievement, over emotions, sensitivity, and intuition. 

As Sensitive Souls, we have all grew up and lived most of our lives being criticized, judged, and shamed for our feelings. We have all heard things like: "Why are you so sensitive?", "Why are you crying?", "You need to toughen up!"… Does it sound familiar? 

We have been conditioned to believe that being sensitive and different is bad and wrong, and that we must change in order to fit it in. Whether the message came directly or indirectly from our family, schools, friends, romantic partners, bosses, co-workers, media and advertising; it is a message that is ingrained in society that keeps telling us that our sensitive nature is wrong. 

This is very detrimental for us and contribute to our challenges as sensitive people because not only the world is not set up to support our sensitivity, but we also must deal with not feeling accepted, validated, understood, valued, and supported, which leave us with the feeling that we must change who we are in order to survive and fit in, and that’s the real problem. 

So, how do we undo the damage? How can we embrace our sensitive nature and own the fact that we are more than different, we are unique, special, and very needed in this society to bring balance to it. 

Well, we need to start by exploring the true meaning of sensitivity and all the strengths that come with it, so we can start reframing what being sensitive means for us. 

We must get rid of the wrong belief that says that being sensitive means being weak, and we need to reprogram our mind with a new belief that is rooted in the truth of who we really are. The truth that says that we are in fact so strong because we are sensitive! 

Success & Freedom

Think about it, our system cannot be as open and sensitive to everything as it is, if we were not strong at the same time because we would crumble. You are extremely resilient and strong just because you are sensitive.  

You are so powerful that if you look back into your life, you will realize that if it wasn’t for your innate resiliency and strength, you wouldn’t probably have overcome all the challenges you have faced and survived in such a chaotic and insensitive world like the one we live in, which is everything but supportive of our sensitivity. 

What about transitioning from questioning... Why do I feel different? to owning your uniqueness and innate strength due to your sensitive nature.

It’s time to install a new program, beautiful sensitive soul. A belief that serves us and honors the power of our sensitivity and the truth of who we really are. 

We need a conscious change in perspective about what it means to be sensitive, empathic, and unique. We are in control of what we choose to believe about who we are. We can embrace an identity that is rooted in our truth. We always have the choice to adopt new empowering beliefs that support us instead of shaming and limiting us.  

Remember, we are in control of what we tell ourselves; therefore, we can always create a new program in our minds. 

So, let me ask you Powerful Sensitive Soul, which new empowering belief are you going to choose to adopt about who you are?  

Are you going to keep carrying that outdated, wrong, and disempowering belief about being wrong because of being sensitive? Or are you willing to start believing that you are in fact powerful, unique, and special because you are sensitive?  

Which one are you going to choose?

With Love & Light,


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