About Angela Hernandez 

Hi Powerful Sensitive Soul! I am Angela Hernandez. I'm a Highly Sensitive Person and Empath who supports and empowers Sensitive Souls. I'm a Life Coach and Intuitive Energy Healer specialized in high sensitivity and Sensitive People.

I help HSPs, empaths, and highly sensitive empaths to reduce the challenges of their sensitivity, embrace their strengths, manage their energy, find balance, heal their wounds, and transform their lives.

I am a graduate of the IHTP - Intuitive Healer Training Program and Certified in Self-Healing by the School of Intuitive Studies. 

I am a Certified Life Coach at Robbins Madanes Training Center. I also have a background in personal growth, fitness, and holistic lifestyle, health, and nutrition at the Energetic Health Institute.

I am also the author of Powerful Sensitivity and an online Soulpreneur who is creating this heart-centered business guided by my Soul for the purpose of serving Sensitive Souls like you!

Angela Hernandez

My passion and mission are to support you in your journey of awareness, healing, and empowerment as a Powerful Sensitive Soul! 

I’m creating this warm and loving space to invite you, Powerful Sensitive Soul, to dive together deep into what I hope feels like a journey going back home. To your Soul. To the truth of who you really are. To embrace your Powerful Sensitivity.  

Let me share my journey with you...

The beginning: A split childhood... 

My journey started as a sensitive child. My childhood was divided between love and happiness at home, and fear and loneliness at school.  

At home, I was a happy, expressive, extroverted, playful child. I was able to be myself. At school, I was quiet, fearful, anxious, shy, lonely, and always sick.  

The environment and people were too overwhelming and terrifying. I did my best to make myself invisible. I never fit in. It was the beginning of a long battle with social anxiety and isolation. 

Coming to the US: A journey of challenges... 

I was born in Colombia. My life completely changed at 16, when my parents and I moved to the US. That started the most challenging 20 years of my life. A journey of struggles, fighting, surviving, and pain, but also wonderful moments, intense love, and invaluable learning. 

Endless challenges, a very long and intense relationship full of deep love and lots of pain, several business trials, chronic health issues, financial struggles, empath-narcissist problems, and lots of unhealed wounds. 

Challenging journey

Fortunately, I’ve always had the support of my loving parents, and together, we kept going. 

My parents have always been very spiritual, and I was introduced to the world of meditation when I was a little girl. I started my own journey of personal growth in my early 20s by the hand of Tony Robbins, out of the need to survive the business world. He helped me to overcome my social issues and find my strength. 

However, despite my strong mindset and unstoppable fighting, so much unhealed pain was getting build up inside of me and the outside pressures broke me down. Right before turning 30, I couldn't handle it anymore. I exploded.

My situation here was unsustainable and my relationship got to the point where I had to choose my safety and sanity over our love. Finally, I put myself first. I left him and the country. I lost everything. 

Going back to Colombia: Breaking down to breakthrough... 

I ran away thinking that I would finally be happy and safe in my country of origin. Little did I know that chaos had triggered the beginning of my spiritual awakening, and that I was about to get into the darkest night of my Soul. 

There, I touched rock bottom and after two years of immense struggle, avoidance of my wounds, depression, loneliness, pain, and lots of fighting, I was able to come back home - to the US.

Coming back home to the US: The beginning of my healing journey...

I was back home thinking that I was finally fine, but life was about to show me that it was time to face my wounds and start healing everything that was keeping me stuck in the same patterns. 

I've always being a Soulpreneur by heart. It has been a long journey of searching, finding, and creating the career and business that would fulfill my heart, fill my life with meaning, and help people.

I decided to resume my career in fitness and health. Back in my 20s, I started as an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer from the International Sports Science Association and Dance Fitness Instructor Certified by Zumba Fitness, but this time due to old injuries and chronic pain, I chose to focus on healing.

I became a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant at AFPA - American Fitness Professionals & Associates. Because of my pursuit of a more holistic and deeper approach to healing, I furthered my studies in Holistic Lifestyle, Health & Nutrition at the amazing Energetic Health Institute.

Then, after a long learning journey in personal growth, I decided to get Certified as a Life Coach at Robbins Madanes Training Center – the official coaching school of Tony Robbins. 

Angela Hernandez Life Coach Certificate from Robbins Madanes Training Center

Discovering that I am a Highly Sensitive Person & Empath 

I spent years training. My intention and goal of helping people heal has always been clear. I was even studying to get into a Naturopathic Medical school, but after pushing myself too hard and getting burnt out again and again, my health issues forced me to stop and pursue self-healing, first. 

Chronic exhaustion, burnout, hypersensitivity to light and sound, emotional overwhelm, physical pain, and energy depletion led me to discover that I am a highly sensitive person and empath. Therefore, I'm a Highly Sensitive Empath!

I set out to learn as much I could from some of the leaders in the field of high sensitivity. I learned about my sensitive nature and how to manage my sensory challenges. I made major lifestyle changes and incorporated self-care. It was an ongoing learning process with a lot of trial and error, ups and downs, wins and losses. A constant journey of awareness, testing, tweaking and growing.

Now, when it comes to being an empath, much of the information focused mainly on energy protection, and soon enough, I ended up protecting myself from everything to feel safe, and that left me living in more fear, isolation, and disempowerment than ever before. 

I didn’t need protection. I needed healing. In fact, it wasn't until I went beyond energy protection and into deep healing that my life truly changed. 

While trying to figure all this out and keep myself functioning, my empath-narcissist marriage crumbled. Talking about unhealed wounds and repeating patterns… As highly sensitive empaths, we would keep attracting narcissists if we don’t heal our wounds. 

An intuitive Soul calling: Time to heal and become a Healer... 

I was finally ready to heal, so I could be able to help others heal. And that's when the Universe sent to me my Teacher, my Healer, my Mentor. The person who was going to change my life, help me heal, and train me to be a Healer: Wendy De Rosa - International Intuitive Energy Healer, Speaker, Teacher, Author & Founder of The School of Intuitive Studies.   

She helped me to understand that my sensitivity wasn’t the problem, that in fact, it was revealing powerful gifts and pointing out the need for healing, reclaiming my power, and developing my intuition.  

I learned that it was my unhealed wounds, lack of awareness and understanding of my sensitivity, unhealthy patterns, disempowering beliefs, lack of self-care and self-love, putting others first, absorbance and leakage of energy, overriding of my intuition, and disconnection to my Soul, what was causing all my issues. 

She introduced and immersed me into the world of Intuitive Energy Healing and taught me the connection of our energy system, chakras, and intuition to our experience as highly sensitive empaths.

Through her in-depth teachings and intensive self-healing program, she helped me heal, mentored me into becoming an empowered highly sensitive empath, and developed me as a Mentor for You. 

In her school - The School of Intuitive Studies, I developed my intuition, healed my wounds, got empowered, and graduated from the IHTP - Intuitive Healing Training Program. Now, as a Healer, it's time for me to help You heal and become an Empowered Highly Sensitive Soul too.

Angela Hernandez IHTP Self-Healing Certificate

Fruits of a long and powerful healing journey... 

I went through an intense, immersive, and fascinating 6-year long training and healing journey that has taught me that everything I have been through - all the struggles, the challenges, the pain - was preparing me to become the Healer & Coach that I am meant to be for You.

Everything happened the way it needed to happen for me to come back to my power. To come back to myself. To overcome my struggles and heal all the wounds...  

The sensory overload, oversensitivity, overwhelm, overthinking, overstimulation. The anxiety, irritability, exhaustion, depletion, depression. The emotional and physical breakdowns. The lack of self-compassion...

The lack of self-love, disempowerment, over-responsibility, lack of boundaries, suppression of emotions, absorption and leakage of energy, pleasing of others, putting other people’s needs first, disconnection to my Soul, ignoring my intuition... 

The suppression of my voice, lack of confidence, unhealed wounds, programming, limiting beliefs, unhealthy patterns, overwhelm, pushing myself to exhaustion, lack of self-care, inner critic, feelings of unworthiness, not feeling enough, lack of self-respect, issues with narcissists, codependency, oppression, all the pain, the trauma...  

I could keep going on and on.... Does it sound familiar?  

Basically, the healing of all the struggles and wounds of a disempowered highly sensitive person and/or empath.   

The learning has been immense and invaluable. The healing has been deep, profound, life-changing, and will continue happening, and it can happen for you too. It’s all about healing.

Success & Freedom

Time to serve: Now, it’s all about You! 

No matter what stage of your journey you are in right now, I’m here to hold your hand and show you your power. I’m here to help you heal.  

Even if your world feels overwhelming or chaotic, you are a powerful sensitive being, and you are here for a reason more meaningful than you might even believe. 

I trust you have been guided to arrive here, and so it is my honor to walk this path with you. As sensitive souls, we feel deeply and we are being called to come to our power, embrace our true nature, heal ourselves, and fulfill our mission in this lifetime.   

This might sound impossible, if you are currently going through the challenging aspects of our sensitivity, but our sensitivity is powerful! And if you are ready to dive deeper and discover who you really are, I will show you how to thrive as the powerful sensitive that you are meant to be. 

I understand how you feel. As you can see, I have been there. I have touched rock bottom. I have gone through the pain. But with loving guidance, I raised myself back up and walked the journey back to my Soul. I have done the inner work and I have embraced the powerful nature of my sensitivity. So, now I’m here to help You and guide the way. Because you deserve to be who you really are. In all your power and your essence. 

Helping you heal

It has been a long healing journey and learning process to make the necessary changes and learn how to embrace my sensitivity and reclaim my power. I’ve been immensely blessed by the support of my loving parents and the guidance of amazing teachers along the way, such as:

Wendy De Rosa, Tonny Robbins, Magaly & Mark Peysha, Christina Lopes DPT, MPH, Dr. Henry Healy (Dr. H), Elaine Aron, Julie Bjelland LMFT, Dr. Judith Orloff MD, Amber Rochelle, Michael Singer, Rasa Lukosiute, among others, to which I'm deeply grateful for and who I owe most of my knowledge and healing. So, Powerful Sensitivity is my way to give back all the blessings I have received by now holding the Light for you.  

If I got your Soul curious, I hope you explore around. This website is a constant work in progress... a growing gift of love for you. 

Thanks for reading about my journey! 

With Love & Light,


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