Are You Struggling with Your Sensitivity?  
Burnout Prevention & Healing for Sensitive People  

sensitive overwhelmed by crowd

Do you feel overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, and depleted? Do lights, sounds, crowds, thoughts, and emotions overwhelm you? Are you absorbing other people's energy, stress, emotions, problems, and pain?... Are you on the verge of burnout? You are probably one of the beautiful sensitive people who are struggling with high sensitivity.

Welcome to Powerful Sensitivity! My name is Angela - I am a Highly Sensitive Person & Empath who helps Sensitive Souls prevent and heal from burnout. I'm a Life Coach and Intuitive Energy Healer specialized in high sensitivity, sensitive people, and burnout. 

Whether you identify as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), an Empath, both, or you are figuring it out, I can help you...   

  • Prevent & heal from burnout
  • Understand your sensitive nature
  • Discover & love who you are 
  • Reduce the challenges of your sensitivity
  • Embrace your strengths & power
  • Manage, clear & restore your energy
  • Reduce overwhelm, anxiety & exhaustion
  • Calm your overactive nervous system
  • Balance your sensitive body, mind & soul
  • Reduce stress & sensory overload
  • Embrace self-care & meet your needs
  • Heal your wounds & your past
  • Develop your intuition
  • Process & regulate emotions
  • Stop absorbing other people's energy
  • Set boundaries & find your voice
  • Create healthy relationships
  • Become an empowered HSP & Empath
  • Live with joy, passion & purpose
  • Transform your life!

It’s my passion and my honor to support you on your journey of awareness, healing, and empowerment as a Powerful Sensitive Soul.

What's New?

  1. What Is a Highly Sensitive Person?

    sensitive woman merged with tree
    What is a highly sensitive person? HSPs have increased sensory sensitivity, depth of processing, emotional responsiveness, sensing the subtle, overstimulation

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What is Powerful Sensitivity?

Powerful Sensitivity is a supportive place for Sensitive Souls to understand, embrace, and nurture their sensitive nature. Its purpose is to help you see that your sensitivity, empathy, and intuition are your biggest powers! Its mission is to help you overcome the challenges so you can reclaim those powers, heal, and transform your life.  

My intention with Powerful Sensitivity is to provide a safe space to bring together highly sensitive people and empaths under the same roof joined together by the strengths and challenges that sensitive souls in both groups share because our inner work of healing and empowerment is pretty much the same. 

As sensitive people, our sensitive, empathic and intuitive experiences are diverse and unique. They change and evolve with us. Despite some differences, HSPs and empaths share so much; reason why, it's common for us to identify ourselves with both the experience of the HSP and the experience of the empath; ultimately, holding our own unique experience. 

HSPs & Empaths have extraordinary qualities, so many strengths, and powerful gifts that make them truly beautiful souls and amazing people. We are highly sensitive, empathic, intuitive, creative, perceptive, insightful, caring, loving, fascinating souls! Once we work on reducing the challenges of our sensitivity, we increase access to all of our gifts and power.

My journey as a HSP & Empath... Does it sound familiar?

As a highly sensitive person and empath myself, I understand how you feel and how you experience the world. I live with the gifts and challenges of being sensitive every day. I love, embrace, and honor my powerful sensitivity now, but I was barely surviving before.  

After years of struggling and several emotional meltdowns and physical breakdowns, I got to a point where I was so overwhelmed, exhausted, sick, depleted, and burned out that I couldn't physically function. 

Back then, my life had become a burnout cycle. It was a vicious cycle of surviving, pushing myself to exhaustion, getting burned out, crashing, being forced to stop because of getting sick, taking time to recover, and going back to push myself again just to end up burned out one more time. It was a painful, frustrating, exhausting, and debilitating roller coaster that left me with my own share of chronic health issues.  

I had no idea how sensitive I was to everything in the environment, how my depth of processing was exhausting me, how unknowingly I was absorbing the energy of everything and everybody around me, and how this oversensitivity was pointing out to my intuition. Being sensitive wasn’t an asset for me, it was a huge problem.

exhausted sensitive woman in bed

When I finally got sick of getting sick and burned out, I started researching what could be happening to me, and that's how I found out I am a highly sensitive person (HSP), and when I dug deep, I discovered I'm also an empath. 

This fascinating journey of self-discovery felt like I was finally getting an explanation not only of my experience but of my entire life. 

The extreme sensitivity to light and sound started to make sense. The overthinking, the overwhelm, the aversion to crowds, the chronic fatigue, the endless list of food sensitivities. 

The feelings of being flawed, wrong, misunderstood, and unfit. My social issues, isolation, and toxic relationships. The stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and depletion. All those overwhelming emotions that felt so confusing, the emotional and physical breakdowns, and the inexplicable experience of feeling in my body what other people were feeling like it was my own.  

I was putting everybody’s needs first. I felt like it was my responsibility to rescue other people from their problems and their pain. I felt guilty if I didn’t please them. I didn’t know how to say No! I was ignoring my intuition. I didn't trust myself. I was going from one narcissist to another. I was trapped in toxic relationships with people who would constantly try to change and "fix" me. I was hurt. I was wounded. 

Highly sensitive empath woman depressed

I had no idea how to set boundaries. I was taking people's stress, emotions, and problems as if they were mine. I would feel guilty for everything. I felt ashamed of who I was. I would feel the impatience, anxiety, sadness, anger of others in my body like it was my own.    

I felt like there was something wrong with me. I was criticizing, blaming, shaming, and judging myself for being different and not being able to do things like other people, as a result, I would push myself to fit in and be like them, until I got myself so sick and burned out that I had to stop and find answers and help.  

Does any of it sound familiar? 

As you can see, I was a hot mess! Little did I know that all that struggle had a deeper purpose, and that the last breakdown was going to become a breakthrough in my life that would open up a journey of transformation and healing that would change my life forever and carve the path to help other Sensitive Souls overcome their struggles and reclaim their strengths.   


Our experience as Sensitive People 

As HSPs and/or Empaths, we experience the world differently. We have a fantastic and heightened perception of everything, but we tend to struggle in several ways with our sensitivity in all areas of our lives, leaving us prone to burnout. 

Before learning how to honor our sensitive, empathic, and intuitive nature, we live with high levels of stress, exhaustion, and depletion. We don't always know who we are and what we need, much less accept our sensitivity, or know how to harness it. We have been told all our life that our sensitivity is a problem, a weakness, something to be ashamed of and change.  

As sensitive people, we might spend our lives feeling different, completely misunderstood, totally overwhelmed, and as if there was something wrong with us. Therefore, we do everything we can to change, to fit in with the "normal", accepted, and valued way of being in a mostly insensitive society; without knowing that our sensitivity is in fact our biggest power.


Do you relate to any of these struggles?

stress related emotions in words

Have you ever had a time when you felt so overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, confused, and desperate that you cried your eyes out feeling like you were barely surviving and couldn't keep going like this?  

Have you ever felt like your senses are on fire, your emotions are all over the place, your thoughts are spinning, and you are so exhausted that one more thing would make you explode? 

Have you found yourself hiding in a dark, silent room, or crawling under the covers away from everything and everybody just for your nervous system to come down and be able to keep going?  

Are you lacking energy? Does it even wake up in the morning feel exhausting? Does your body physically hurt because of how sensitive you are? Do you deal with chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, food sensitivities? Is your overthinking mind keeping you awake at night and anxious during the day?  

Are you absorbing the emotions, energy, stress, problems, and pain of other people? Do you have a hard time knowing what is yours and what is there’s? Do you feel like you constantly have to clear energy in order to feel better? 

highly sensitive empathic man overwhelmed

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by the emotions, problems, expectations, and demands of everybody that you wouldn't know how you feel, what you need, or who you are anymore? Are your own emotions out of control? Do you feel disconnected? Numb? Ungrounded? Like your energy is all over the place?   

Is your beautiful empathic heart putting everybody’s needs before yours even at the expense of your own well-being? Do you find it difficult to say No! and set boundaries? Are you overriding your intuition?  

Have you ever felt so different, misunderstood, and lonely that life feels heavy and hopeless?  Are you not feeling heard, seen, validated, understood, and supported? How many times have you been criticized, shamed, and blamed for being different?  

Have you been or are you trapped in narcissistic or toxic relationships, soul sucking jobs, a painful history, or even in the confusion and overwhelm of your own thoughts and emotions? 

Are you living in your past? Unable to be present? And worried about the future? Could you be unknowingly carrying a bunch of unprocessed emotions, old pain, and unhealed wounds? Are you suffering in silence? 

All of these can sometimes feel like it's simply too much to handle! 

If you resonated with any of it... I completely understand you, I have been there, and there's nothing to be ashamed of. What you feel and what you are going through make total sense. We both are Sensitive Souls living in a mostly insensitive world. We need support to understand, navigate, and harness the power of our sensitivity.

Our gifts and strengths as Sensitive People

highly sensitive empathic woman & man

It’s not always easy to be sensitive, but as HSPs and Empaths, we have extraordinary gifts and strengths that once we are aware of them and learn how to use them, our life will transform forever.

We are highly sensitive, empathic, intuitive, perceptive, insightful, spiritual, creative Souls. We are kind, loving, caring, compassionate, conscious, kindred spirits with an open heart, a beautiful Soul, and a deep purpose on this Earth.   

We have powerful minds, giving hearts, sensitive bodies, powerful intuition, and a very fine-tuned sensitive energy system.  

We are deep feelers, deep thinkers, deep processors. We feel everything. We sense and perceive things that other people don't. Once we embrace our sensitivity and reconnect with our truth and intuition, our Soul will guide our lives.

Our Sensitivity, Empathy & Intuition Are Our Biggest Powers! 

Once we master how to use our powers, our life as a highly sensitive, empathic and intuitive being heals and transforms.

How can you access those gifts?

As a sensitive being you have unique gifts, but to harness them, you first need to reduce the challenges to be able to access the strengths. To do that you need to learn how to manage your sensitivity for this to be a power instead of a problem. You need to be trained in how to work with your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic sensitivity. This is a process and a journey of inner work and outer transformation.  

You will learn how to overcome the challenges of your sensitivity and embrace the strengths and power of your sensitive, empathic, and intuitive nature. This journey of awareness, healing, and empowerment includes exploring the truth of who you are as a sensitive being, learning about your sensitivity, making lifestyle changes, implementing consistent self-care, processing emotions, transforming limiting beliefs, healing wounds, reclaiming your power, aligning with your intuition, and re-connecting with your purpose.  

This process involves learning about your sensitive nature from a mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic perspective, and uses a holistic approach to heal your body, mind, soul, emotions, and energy. You will be able to heal your past, learn how to live in the present, and co-create your future. You will have the knowledge, tools, confidence, and support to create a life that works for you and honors your sensitive nature.

Are you ready to beat burnout by embracing your Powerful Sensitivity?

So, are you ready to beat burnout?

Are you ready to move out of overwhelm, exhaustion, and depletion into balance, healing, and empowerment?  

Are you ready to discover how to embrace, honor, and master your Powerful Sensitivity?   

It's time to get out of survival mode and thrive as a Powerful Sensitive Soul!  

I’m excited for you, and I believe in you!  

Join me in this explorative, powerful, and transformative inner and outer journey of awareness, healing and empowerment as a Powerful Sensitive Soul!


I'm Angela - Author of Powerful Sensitivity

Angela Hernandez

Hi Powerful Sensitive Soul! I am Angela Hernandez. I'm a Highly Sensitive Person & Empath who helps Sensitive Souls prevent and heal from burnout. I'm a Life Coach and Intuitive Energy Healer specialized in high sensitivity, sensitive people, and burnout. 

I am a graduate of the IHTP - Intuitive Healer Training Program and Certified in Self-Healing by the School of Intuitive Studies.  

I am a Certified Life Coach at Robbins Madanes Training Center. 

I also have a background in personal growth, fitness, and holistic lifestyle, health, and nutrition at the Energetic Health Institute.   

My passion and mission are to support you in your journey of awareness, healing, and empowerment as a Sensitive Soul!  

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With Love & Light,


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